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Los Angeles Senior Citizen Center

Nutritions Sites


Nutrition services provide a vital link in maintaining the health of  older Californians by preventing premature institutionalization and  improving their overall quality of life. The California Department of  Aging administers nutrition services funded by the federal Older  Americans Act and state general fund dollars through the network  of Area Agencies on Aging and their service providers. They serve  Californians 60 years of age or older, with preference given to  those in greatest economic or social need and to low-income multi -ethnic  individuals.  Participants  are  provided  an  opportunity  to  contribute to the cost of the meal. Meals must meet nutritional  standards by providing a minimum of one-third of the Dietary Reference  Intake  and  typically  feature  an  entree,  two  vegetables,  bread, dessert, milk, and juice.

Nutrition Sites:

Meals are served Monday through Friday (except holidays).  Click on this link to view a list of Dining Centers within Recreation and Parks for older adults.  Please call your nearby dining site for details  and information.

Home Delivered Meals

Hot lunches can be delivered to the homes of eligible older adults who are physically unable to  cook, shop, or attend a Dining Center.  These Home Delivered Meals are available to older adults age 60 and over who are home bound.  For Congregate or Home Delivered Meals, please contact  the Los Angeles Department of Aging at (213) 482-7252.

Food Banks:

Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that distributes food and other  essentials to children, seniors, and families and other individuals in need.  For more information call  (323) 234-3030.

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