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Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction Behaviors Elevate Addiction Services

When it comes to addiction, and other potentially harmful behaviors, cognitive dissonance can keep us trapped in denial, unable to change destructive behaviors. Increasing our awareness about what we believe, think, and do is the first step to making the changes we want to make. You also tell yourself that people really exaggerate how dangerous smoking is.  After all, you know people who smoke who have lived very long lives. Then, of course, you tell yourself that if you quit smoking, you might gain weight, which is also bad for your health. In the study, individuals were asked to perform 30 minutes of a very boring and tedious activity. Then, they had to persuade a waiting study participant that the activity was really very interesting.

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‘A Sledgehammer To The War On Drugs’: Oregon Decriminalizes Illegal Drugs.

Posted: Mon, 01 Feb 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Cognitive behavioural interventions in addictive disorders

Examples of cognitive dissonance include a smoker who knows cigarettes are dangerous, a company that doesn’t follow its own code of ethics, or a person who avoids speaking about a past trauma while still dealing with it in the present. Cognitive deficits following prenatal exposure to smoking may reflect structural brain changes. In one study, prenatally exposed adolescent smokers had greater visuospatial memory deficits in conjunction with changes in parahippocampal and hippocampal function compared with adolescent smokers not prenatally exposed (Jacobsen et al., 2006). Brain imaging of adolescent smokers and nonsmokers who were prenatally exposed to smoking has revealed reduced cortical thickness (Toro et al., 2008) and structural alterations in cortical white matter (Jacobsen et al., 2007). These deficits persisted into later adulthood among the male rats, but not the females. In another study, abusers of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) continued to score relatively poorly in tests of immediate and delayed recall of spoken words even after 2.5 years of abstinence (Thomasius et al., 2006).

cognitive dissonance and addiction

Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction Behaviors

Second, a study found that users’ self-efficacy in managing information overload was negatively related to cognitive dissonance and positively related to continuous usage intention in social media platforms [65]. Moreover, Qaisar et al. [92] revealed that user addiction had a stronger negative effect on discontinuous usage intention among users with low self-efficacy towards mobile applications. In contrast, users with low self-efficacy are more susceptible to negative emotions and cognitive dissonance when using the platform, cognitive dissonance and addiction which can lead to discontinuous usage intention. This study investigated the mechanism behind the discontinuous usage intention of users of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcasts. Utilizing the concept of cognitive dissonance and self-efficacy, it analyzed the interplay of cognition, affection, and behavioral intentions. The study also examined the impact of information overload, service overload, and user addiction on cognitive dissonance and revealed the mitigating effect of self-efficacy in these relationships.

Therapy News And Blogging

  • The study also examined the impact of information overload, service overload, and user addiction on cognitive dissonance and revealed the mitigating effect of self-efficacy in these relationships.
  • Several studies have investigated the relationship between cognitive dissonance and different outcomes such as attitude change, behavior change, and consumer decision making [96,97].
  • Prior studies on pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms have focused on various aspects, such as user engagement [26], retention [27], broadcasting intention [28], gifting behavior [29], and comment motivation [30].
  • Factor loading analysis measures the correlation between individual variables and factors.
  • The mechanisms of mindfulness include being non-judgemental, acceptance, habituation and extinction, relaxation and cognitive change35.

Despite various treatment programmes for substance use disorders, helping individuals remain abstinent remains a clinical challenge. Cognitive behavioural therapies are empirically supported interventions in the management of addictive behaviours. CBT comprises of heterogeneous treatment components that allow the therapist to use this approach across a variety of addictive behaviours, including behavioural addictions. Relapse prevention programmes addressing not just the addictive behaviour, but also factors that contribute to it, thereby decreasing the probability of relapse. Addictive behaviours are characterized by a high degree of co-morbidity and these may interfere with treatment response.

cognitive dissonance and addiction

How Does Cognitive Dissonance Affect the Recovery Process?

Emotional Needs and Unconscious Desires

Author Services

  • You didn’t think about it much before, but if you continue to make the same clothing choices, you’ll feel some cognitive dissonance.
  • Moreover, individuals who suffer from mental disorders abuse drugs at higher rates than the general population.
  • This can mean either changing behavior or ignoring the truth to avoid discomfort.
  • A recent study conducted by addiction specialists at a treatment facility in 2020 revealed that 75% of participants experienced cognitive dissonance during their recovery.
  • Few studies have integrated the “cognition-emotion-behavior intention” framework and introduced self-efficacy in the theory of planned behavior to further enrich the cognitive and emotional dimensions from the level of the logic of internal factors.
  • Failing to distinguish between the two can lead to various consequences, from turbulent relationships filled with disagreement to the painful realization that the passion was only temporary.
  • These interventions integrate both cognitive behavioural and mindfulness based strategies.
  • It is possible to resolve cognitive dissonance by either changing one’s behavior or changing one’s beliefs so they are consistent with each other.
  • Often, group therapy nurtures the beginner’s mind because it provides the opportunity to build relationships with and learn from others in both similar and different stages of recovery.
  • While data collection is a necessary aspect of AI-driven systems, it is equally important to implement technical measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure of personal information, thereby preserving the privacy of users.
  • Utilizing the concept of cognitive dissonance and self-efficacy, it analyzed the interplay of cognition, affection, and behavioral intentions.

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